Learn more about Asbestos Removal in London
Although asbestos has been banned from use in construction for many years, it is still a modern day hazard in many residential and commercial properties, as well as on construction sites, where staff must be especially vigilant about coming into contact with asbestos, and taking the necessary steps to minimize the risk to humans and the environment if asbestos is discovered on site.
There are numerous companies in London specialising in asbestos removal, however the importance of hiring the right company to work on your behalf is paramount in carrying out the correct services for identifying and removing asbestos found in residential and commercial properties. The City of London, immediately east of the borough of Westminster and still within the city centre also provides free removal of small amounts of asbestos for residents from all over London, through the Hazardous Waste Collection and Disposal Service (HWCDS). An information sheet is available to download from the city of London council website, outlining the protocols and wait times for the collection of bonded or broken asbestos, which can take up to four weeks and cannot be used by landlords, businesses or charities.
Residents are advised to wear safety glasses and a dust mask to remove asbestos sheets, avoid rubbing, sawing, drilling or otherwise breaking the material, and spraying it with water mist to dampen the fibres and lower the risk of inhalation.
At Wayst we provide a complete service for the removal of asbestos from residential and commercial properties, and from construction sites. We can arrange for the safe removal of asbestos from outside or inside the premises, carefully wrapping items with minimum disturbance, and using the correct health and safety equipment needed to reduce the risk to humans and the environment as much as possible during the removal process.