Media Shredding in IG9

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  • 1-10 Bags
  • 11 - 20 Bags
  • 21+ Bags

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  • *This is only an estimate. We aim to be as transparent as possible

    **The price includes the collection and destruction

    ***The price does not include postage for the bags

    ****The price includes all associated waste and destruction certification

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What you need to know about IG9


The IG9 postcode is used exclusively by the town of Buckhurst Hill, which lies within the Epping Forest district of Essex and sits just 16 km north-east of Charing Cross. It is mainly considered a residential settlement, but remains closely connected to nature due to multiple open spaces and its proximity to Epping Forest. Nevertheless, IG9 has a couple of parades of shops, whose modest collection of independent retailers and restaurants generates business from the surrounding area. Transport options include a number of London Bus routes running through town and access to two London Underground stations (Buckhurst Hill and Roding Valley) on the Central Line. The combination of modern conveniences and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities makes IG9 an ideal neighbourhood for Central London commuters who prefer a quiet village feel.

  • Population Size 12,885
  • Active Businesses 64
  • Waste Collected (tonnes)5,403
  • Tonnes of Waste Recycled or Reused 2,249

What are the different ways to dispose of waste in IG9?

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Where are the nearest recycling centres in IG9

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What rubbish collection services are available in IG9?

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Media Shredding Services In Places Of IG9