Pesticides Disposal in Lisson Grove

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What you need to know about Lisson Grove

Lisson Grove

Lisson Grove is both a street and sub-district of Marylebone in London’s West End, within the City of Westminster. The area is known mainly for its wealth of cultural landmarks, including the famed Lisson Gallery, Alfies Antique Market, and Seashell of Lisson Grove, which is famous for its fish and chips. Lisson Grove’s most frequented attraction, however, is the Church Street market, running all the way from Edgware Road to Lisson Grove itself, and its rows upon rows of stalls selling all manner of goods. Residential options in the area tend more towards flats and subdivided properties rather than larger homes, with the district’s high population density making things seem even busier throughout the day. Lisson Grove’s south and west boundaries are lined with a number of railway and tube stations, which, combined with the numerous buses traversing its length, has made it one of the most accessible sections of the West End.

  • Population Size 17,254
  • Active Businesses 88
  • Waste Collected (tonnes)7,235
  • Tonnes of Waste Recycled or Reused 3,707

What are the different ways to dispose of waste in Lisson Grove?

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Where are the nearest recycling centres in Lisson Grove

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What rubbish collection services are available in Lisson Grove?

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